Cold roofing is an excellent option for buildings with a pitched roof in colder climates. The combination of a roof pitch of any size and heavy snowfall presents hazards to a roof. But INTECH Roofing Contractors has the solution. Protect your roof with cold roofing installed by NYC’s number one roofing professionals, INTECH Roofing Contractors. The reason a cold roof might be right for you is because of the harsh, cold weather in NYC. During winter months, snow will inevitably fall heavily on your roof. Due to weaknesses in your insulation, heat transfers through your ceiling into your attic. When this happens, and because hot air rises, the heat warms your roof causing the snow to melt. The melted water then runs down your pitch and refreezes at the overhang causing an “ice dam”. Then, when more snow melts it gets backed up on your newly formed ice dam and creates pools of water around your roof. These pools will eventually cause leaking through your shingles. Another hazard occurs when it is hot. During the summer months, when hot air is present everywhere, the heat trapped in your attic can literally cook your roofing shingles from the inside out. This is particularly damaging to wood roofing, such as cedar shingles. The hot air emitting through your roofing will cause wood to curl, cup and lift. This creates the need to pay for repairs regularly or suffer unsightly roofing damage that tarnishes the aesthetics of your home. All of these issues can be prevented with a cold roof from INTECH Roofing Contractors.

The Cold Roofing Process
A cold roof system is essentially an additional layer of roofing built atop a bottom roofing layer with blocking built in between to allow for airflow. The air is helped with an eave vent and ridge vent that are created for air-in and air-out ventilation in between the roof decks. When this ventilation is provided, the topmost layer of your cold roof stays cool in the winter and in the summer so there is no melting of snow or baking of shingles. The building process is straightforward and uncomplicated: The first layer is plywood built over your first layer of skip sheathing. Then a bituminous membrane is coated on, which serves as an ice shield since it is waterproof. The next layer are your vertical purlins then more horizontal skip sheathing. That is coated with a second layer of bituminous membrane. The next layer will be the vertical blocking installed to create the cavity between roofing decks. More sheathing or battens are installed as the next layer. Then you have your shingles or other preferred roofing type on top. Along the roof’s perimeter will be a drip edge and gutters to keep water and snow flowing during precipitation.

Our NYC Cold Roof Experts Provide the Following Services

Cold Roofing Installation
Pitched Roof Vents
Roof Ventilation


INTECH Roofing Contractors has been delivering professional installation and repair of asphalt shingles to NYC homeowners from years. We have qualified roofers who are highly trained and focused on getting the job done efficiently with minimal inconvenience to you.